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Jessica G. Irons



"Chance favors the prepared mind." -- Louis Pasteur

to About


I am an experimental health psychologist; I received my BA and MS degrees at Augusta State University and my PhD at Auburn University (war eagle!). I am a Professor of Psychology at James Madison University.


I work closely with a team of teaching assistants and we primarily teach Research Methods in Psychology, Health Behavior Change, Applications in Psychology (Scientific Literacy), and I oversee Lab Experiences. I have special interests in teaching validity in science as well as scientific writing and editing skills. I also engage in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


Please find below sundry resources about my training, my teaching, my courses, and working as a member of my teaching team.


My primary goal as an educator is that my students learn to think well. For many, a byproduct of thinking well will include learning to recognize the privileges that benefit them as well as injustices that disadvantage others. I am a recovering oppressor (and sometimes unwittingly active oppressor as I continue to learn)--teaching others to think well is my greatest potential defense against racism, a goal to which I am wholly committed. If you are diminished in this life, you deserve better and I share in responsibility to help make that happen. 


Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Autobiography


Curriculum Vitae

Health Behavior Change Syllabus             Writing Mistakes to Avoid            Research Methods Syllabus 
                      Sample                                                                                                             Sample

Letters of Recommendation for Graduate Programs

I am only available to write letters of recommendation for graduate programs (upon request) for undergraduate students (or alum) who have completed (or will have soon completed) at least 6 credit hours of coursework with me as the instructor of record. For those students, I can submit letters to up to 6 programs and you must also waive your right to view the letter (this will be an option in your application process). I reserve the right to decline writing letters for any students who meet these criteria but for whom I will not be able to write a strong letter of support. Please provide your updated CV as well as a list of programs AND their due dates at least 2 weeks prior to the earliest deadline. Before sending requests to me through application portals, please fill in the information requested in the form using the following data:


Name: Jessica Irons          

Title/Position: Professor          

Organization: James Madison University     

Mailing Address: 91 E Grace Street, MSC 7704, Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Phone: 540-568-6565      

Teaching Assistants

  Teaching Assistants 

Jessica Irons                                                      Mentor

Noah Gustin                                                     Graduate Student

Jack Noce                                                      Senior

Teaching assistants attend weekly teaching meetings during which we talk about teaching issues, read teaching resources, develop activities and exam content, and discuss issues idiosyncratic to our classes. TAs hold weekly office hours, attend class, and help respond to student inquiries.


If you are interested in becoming a TA for one of Dr. Irons' courses, please email or complete the form below.


*Keep in mind that students who have completed a course with Dr. Irons will be given priority consideration.



Jessica G. Irons

Miller Hall 1177


Phone: 540-568-6565


James Madison University

Department of Psychology

MSC 7704

91 East Grace Street

Harrisonburg , VA 22807


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“Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.” – Sigmund Freud

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